Our Windows auditing tool is ready for security consultants and external auditors, you can easily create professional audit reports for your clients.
If you do not have an account yet, choose Start 30-day Trial and follow the instructions from How it works page.
Before you go to the external audit you need to download a proper client from auditsquare.com portal. The most suitable for external consultants/auditors are Audit Square Client or Scanner (portable ZIP). These are designed to have minimal impact on the assessed systems (nothing is permanently installed).
Audit Square Client is intended for single computer audits or for auditing off-line computers. Audit Square Scanner is intended for multiple computers audits (remote scanning).
Once you collect data from assessed computers (*.rsa files) you can either directly upload them to auditsquare.com portal or you can copy them on a USB stick and upload later.
The basic report shown above is called single-computer report. It can be generated as PDF, DOCX or XLSX. You can easily check PDF sample reports to see how thorough our assessments are.
You can also create multi-computer report which shows well arranged results from multiple computers.